Back to the ’90s

Posted: June 15, 2009 by Mark D in Music
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Ah, the 1990’s… They were kinda like the ’80s, except we were physically there. It was a much simpler time when only the president, and not the people, got screwed by government employees on a regular basis, Nickelodeon still had some really good shows, and it wasn’t considered to be too weird for a guy to be really into the Backstreet Boys (I was a weird child). It’s enough to make some people nostalgic.
Luckily for those people, music-wise at least, the ’90s are coming back. The Britpop band Blur has re-formed (unfortunately minus Graham Coxon’s giant glasses). Blur performed for the first time since they broke up in 2003 on Saturday (the 13th) in Essex, and they’ll be playing summer festivals in the UK.
Blur isn’t the only britpop band to come back recently. Both Oasis and The Verve released new albums last year, so it should only be a matter of time before Oasis guitarist/resident lunatic Noel Gallagher says some very not-nice things about Blur. Sweet, let the fireworks begin.

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