Archive for August 31, 2009

We’re Number One!

Posted: August 31, 2009 by Mark D in Memes
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I’ve been noticing that search engines have been giving us a lot of traffic based off of the search tags, healthcare reform, health care, and comic (all kinda jumbled up together and whatnot), all leading to that healthcare reform editorial comic. This caused me to wonder why we’re getting views from that one comic…

A quick Google Image search gave me an answer…


We’re number one! Woot!


Seriously folks, the stick figure speaks the truth. The people who do Untitled Webcomic! are heading off to college, and to make sure that they don’t get too overworked, the schedule is changing to Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, the schedule still may be changed to more or less new episodes per week depending on their workload and amount of free time. Also there’s a pretty good chance that the comic will either be reduced to one-liners and badly drawn stick figures and/or not even run at all during midterms and finals.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and patience.

UPDATE: Because we have a massive backlog of comics, this Tuesday/Thursday schedule will continue unbroken until at least January 5, 2010 (because that’s the last day that I have something uploaded so far), but after that, it’s anyone’s guess.