Posts Tagged ‘APES’

My Day

Posted: February 4, 2009 by Mark D in Life/Existentialism, Random Musings
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I came home from school today and tried to list everything important that I did. I realized that I really didn’t do too much, most of which was stupid and rather unnecessary. Basically, this was my day so far:
5:45 Get up, shower, shave, have breakfast
7:15 Leave for school
7:45-9:13 Spend first period newspaper listening to Franz Ferdinand and attempting to write about the school’s rat problem from the point of view of a rat.
9:18-9:56 Spend advisory doing next week’s English homework because I read ahead in the book
10:15-11:39 Art, where I talked to my friend about robotics and photoshopped a picture of Rick Astley for no reason
11:39-12:10ish Lunch
12:10ish-1:42 APES, where we played with corn starch (okay, it was a lab day, but the corn starch solution wasn’t gelling properly), and I pissed off my friend by saying “fuck you” when she told me to get a life.
1:42-4:00 Walk home, have something to eat, surf the web
4:06 (now) I really should start my AP Gov homework eventually, but it’s just reading and it’ll only take like 20 minutes, tops.
4:06-5:45(am) Do homework, eat dinner, watch Scrubs, try to write more of my story (or possibly just listen to music for a while), wait for school to start, go to sleep, get up again and do everything over.
God, I feel like I’m wasting my time, It’s not that I’m lazy. Theoretically, I’m taking challenging classes, but we don’t do anything in them. I mean, the most meaningful thing I’ve done this semester (apart from the first issue of the newspaper, and that picture of Ronald Reagan on my AP Gov Unit 5 test) is this:

Okay, so in APES (AP Environmental Science, the textbook even has a picture of orangutans on the cover) today, we did a lab about toxicology today. The purpose of the lab was to see the toxicity of three drugs (nicotine, caffeine, and ethanol) by subjecting black worms to different concentrations of the three toxins.
I ended up in the group that was testing the effects of caffeine. It figures that I’d end up in that group, as just in the past 48 hours, I’ve had four cups of coffee, three Cokes, and I’m drinking a Red Bull as I type this. Basically we spent fifteen minutes watching bunches of small worms twitch around a lot, then gradually stop moving. It was really depressing because I wanted to do something to help the worms, and because I’m kinda scared of worms (and bugs in general).
Eventually, the lab ended, and we took an embarrassingly easy test, where one of my classmates (that I don’t like too much) unsuccessfully lobbied the teacher about giving the test on Friday because he hadn’t studied (hooray, schadenfreude). The teacher won the argument, and the the kid got kinda pissed and threw his pen (or did something to make it fly through the air), and it hit another classmate (whom I don’t like to much either) in the face (schadenfreude wins again).
On a more positive note, The Shadow, genericzname, and I were at school until 11 p.m. (mostly writing… Not a good idea to try to write a review of a Franz Ferdinand album in a day… it takes me a few listen-through-s to get over Alex Kapranos’ voice) last night with some friends finishing up the newest edition of the school paper. We finally sent it off to the printer during lunch today, and it looks fabulous (thank you The Shadow for not going to your morning classes to instead work on the paper).