Posts Tagged ‘Unicorns’

If you’re wondering, Islands is a Canadian indie rock band that is made up of some of the former members of the Canadian indie rock band The Unicorns, including Nicholas “Nicky Diamonds” Thorburn, who is the frontman of both Islands and The Unicorns. Cyprus is an island nation in the Mediterranean Sea, and other than looking vaguely like a unicorn, has nothing to do with either of the bands referenced in this comic“Who’s On First” is an old vaudeville routine that was made famous by Abbott and Costello and also has nothing to do with the bands either.

Have a good 10/10/10 everyone!

2009 was a good year for The Quill. It featured the founding of The Quill, all sorts of posts from all sorts of neat people, over 100 new UW! comics, a few videos, and lots of things that would go under the category of “neat shit” like wallpapers (note to self: need to make more of those. Possibly ones including unicorns and robots and robot unicorns) and other downloadable media.
Numbers-wise, we finished the year with an unprecedented 3,968 views, which is approximately 3,968 more views than we were anticipating when we started this blog. We also had 208 posts, 312 spam comments, 62 actual comments (thank you everybody who was nice enough to comment), and somehow our number one search engine term is “Rodchenko” (as in Alexander Rodchenko from this post about a Boxy The Robot wallpaper spoof of that one Franz Ferdinand album cover that ripped off Rodchenko’s 1924 portrait of Lilya Brik.

But what does the future hold for The Quill and Untitled Webcomic! you ask? Here’s a sneak peek at our new year’s resolutions:

10. More great posts, some of which may about interesting stuff other than music reviews.
9. More making fun of Vatican City. (Fun fact: Vatican City is so small, it can fit inside of a shoebox.)
8. More comics, even possibly that serial comic that I’ve been talking about forever.
7. Robots, unicorns, and robotic unicorns.
6. Get Fleen’d. (Seriously, if anybody wants to do us a very big favour and send them a link to UW! and a nice little note about how awesome UW! is, we’d love you forever.)
5. Make more wallpapers.
4. Make an actual button-sized link button if you want to do that cool link-with-an-image thing to UW!.
3. Rip off by making absurd lists of stuff.
2. Get the sperm whale playing the guitar in a UCSC newspaperDid it in 2009, new goal: Get comics into the non-humorful UCSC newspaper, City on a Hill Press.
1. Get even more views! If you like The Quill, tell your friends, please?